What’s the basic difference between Wires and Cables?

Wires and cables are the terms that are frequently used in the electrical and communication field. But, people tend to get confused about both the terms as they look similar, but actually are quite different. And in this article, we will be giving you a brief description of the difference between wires and cables.


A cable contains a hot wire carrying the current, a neutral wire to complete the loop and a grounding wire as well. A cable is classified by the total number of wires it is made up of and their gauge.


A wire is measured by diameter. According to the diameter of the wire, it will be measured by a gauge number. The smaller the gauge number, the thicker the wire. The perfect gauge that is used in residential applications is 10 & 20. But, do keep in mind that big wires carry more current and can damage household appliances by burning the fuse.