PVC Pipe

PVC Electrical Conduit Pipe are tailor made for modern architectural plans. They are preferred by Indian Architects and Engineers because of their high quality, durability and competitive prices. They are used in Residential and Commercial projects, industrial applications, and domestic.


  • Both open areas and concealed places
  • Used in electrical wire cover systems and construction projects
  • Manufactured from specially formulated high-impact unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
  • Non-conductive: Prevents electric shocks and short circuits
  • Non-Corrosive: Suitable for humid, corrosive-prone
  • Easy to install
  • Platform Support
  • Well-suited for blty atmosphere
  • Free from galvanic corrosion, electrical, and chemical effects
  • Compliance and Risk Management
  • Fire-Resistant: Does not support combustion and self-extinguishing in nature.